Diversity Inclusion and Equity in Education

Currently, universities have been including diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in their study curriculum. But what is diversity equity and inclusion in education? It is all about ensuring a conducive learning environment for every student regardless of their gender, religion, race, or disabilities. Unlike in the past, the instructions are seriously trying to make their learning environment friendly and with similar experience to all the students.

DEI education is a concept that we cannot avoid in a learning institution. It should be part of high school and higher education level policy.

There are several benefits of dei education reform. Institutions with such reforms offer learners a conducive learning environment without discriminating their race, religion, and culture.

What are the principles of diversity inclusion and equity in education? Here are some of the principles:

  1. Wider coverage

You cannot achieve DEI education without improving the coverage. Students who are not reached with the educational infrastructure should have equal access to education like the privileged. Technology is the best tool that e equalizes the privileged and the underprivileged. Even in the COVID 19 pandemic, where distance learning is the order of the day, technology makes education accessible. To achieve this principle of wider coverage, institutions should invest in technological tools that support remote learning. Remote learning enables even those with disabilities to access education.

  1. Use of video learning to increase engagement and flexibility

There are a lot of advantages that come with the use of video in learning. Apart from making the learning process attractive, they improve engagement and flexibility. Tutors using video lessons find it more engaging to learners than the traditional teaching method.

You cannot substitute the flexibility which comes with a video lesson. The student can access the learning materials and content from the tutor when in need. The university must work on this principle for improved diversity, gender equity, and inclusion (DEI).

  1. Use of CART (Communication Access Real-time Translation) in DEI education

CART will favor all students, including those living with hearing disabilities. It is an aspect that must be present in the learning. You may need a sonographer to help with the real-time transcription of the lecturer’s content as a solution for deaf students.

The approach to learning has a lot of advantages when you use it in higher learning institutions. One-person can a person can upload the caption for other leaner to access the material later. It also enables learners to access learning material simultaneously, which makes it time-saving.

  1. Identifying the students’ needs and monitoring their progress

To promote DEI education, instructors must identify the learner’s needs. They should provide a supportive environment that will make their students free to share their needs and find ways of supporting them.

The instruction can use the available technological tools in getting the relevant data that help them identify areas of weakness and device appropriate methods of solving the challenges. Students with disabilities can benefit from this type of tool. The instructor can identify their needs in terms of their boarding facilities, classroom furniture, and learning materials that can optimize their learning environment.


Why is diversity equity and inclusion important? As you can read from the article, many advantages come with DEI education.

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